10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (3571-3580)
Cat's paw reaching under door to play with toy: Some people read while they poop... I find entertainment elsewhere.
Man reading huge book next to huge cup of tea.
Map of the world with the Americas in the middle: Have you ever wanted to be the center of attention so bad you cut Asia in half?
Guilty dog: I ate 13 keys off my Dad's laptop. Now I ave the alphabet poops.
Funeral home named: Amigone
Mixed up headlines: Breaking News - Fire Destroyed by Home.
Building with books spilling out of its' window: When libraries get sick.
Man with enormous handlebar mustache.
Cat standing next to cement covered in cat paw prints.
Shocked dog with paws on fire.
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