10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (3351-3360)
Person with the four members of KISS painted on their face.
Person curled up on a stairwell: Some people can't handle 8am classes.
Red headed guy with loaves of bread hanging around his neck and a signboard that reads: Ginger Bread Man.
Tiny bathroom with its' walls lined with rolls of toilet paper: Zombie Apocalypse Preparation.
Recycling bins that look like Despicable Me characters.
Man in a "chariot" on the highway.
Man watering garden with modified water bottle hose: Trust me, I'm an engineer.
Fire Exit sign indicating to swim in a canal.
Quiz - What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
Seal made out of foam on coffee.
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