10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (1971-1980)
Woman with incredibly long fingernails: How does she wipe though.
Man sleeping on treadmill: I'm up to almost an hour a day on the treadmill... Next week I might even try turning it on.
Cat standing on a woman's back while she vomits.
Depression for Dummies book: I'm pretty sure calling them "dummies" doesn't help much.
Kid skinny dipping in paddling pool: It turns out that my 6th birthday was crazier than my 18th.
Man with head painted like a basketball.
Man going crazy brushing his teeth.
Graffiti of cat stocking a mouse at it's door.
Tree tire around the base of a tree: How?
Marshmallows on sticks in place of fire extinguisher in case.
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