10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (1961-1970)
Man who's mustache is shaved into the Batman signal.
Four men goofing off: Finding friends with the same mental disorder - PRICELESS.
Tiger splashing water: Bitch, I'm fabulous.
Pipe in water: Do not climb, play on, and around pipe. Covered with people all over it - Human Nature summed up in one picture.
NOTICE: Husband and cat missing $100 Reward (for cat).
Cat in the same window as its' own "Lost Cat" poster: Sometimes I feel like they don't even know I am here.
Bull Dog's butt on one end of tree trunk, body on the other: This is what happens when you cross a Bull Dog with a Dachshund.
Apple with pirate face carved into it with knife between its' teeth.
Man walking bicycle full of bricks.
Woman with man's muscular torso.
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