10 of the Most Shared Funny Pictures
These are some of the most shareable pictures on Weird Nut Daily (1871-1880)
Cat going through cat door in dog gate with dog looking on from behind gate: Tell me again... Who is man's best friend?
Picture of a sandbox on the beach. Jackie Chan drawing making the "why" face!
Stupid post. Response: You and your boyfriend use condoms, right? What?!? LOL ya why?? Thank God.
Man bending over with yellow dust coming out his rear.
Military man named Major Dickie Head being interviewed on TV: I bet he loves his parents.
Dog looking through fence: Soon... Mailman.
Man in bee suit holding beehive next to little girl with no bee suit: Sorry, I only have one bee suit. I'm sure you'll be fine, though.
A mouse in its' living room with a run made out of a cat.
5 beer bottles hanging from sign: Hurricane alert if these bottles break, run like hell...
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